The day your world is turned upside down

Jacques Der-Ohanian
julio 11, 2019

In a crisis situation you need an efficient, secure communications solution that you can count on.

Everyone’s heart skips a beat when they hear about an emergency situation on a school campus. Confusion can rapidly escalate in an emergency environment and having a communication solution that lets authorities, students, staff, and things communicate reliably can save lives.

In 2016 in the U.S. in addition to numerous school shootings, there were 2,044 fires, and 37,389 criminal offenses that occurred on campuses. That’s a lot of people impacted by crisis situations. As well as the physical on-campus crisis, cyber security threats continue to loom large. And, it’s not just small or mid-sized environments that are susceptible. Large, well-known institutions with advanced security networks have felt the sting of a security breach. No one is immune.

Combating crisis

Combating crisis, in all of its different forms, requires advanced communications. Imagine a scenario where students in fear of being detected could send a message rather than make a voice call, or where authorities could quickly access video to identify a perpetrator’s location. A security strategy with the right communication tools and the right availability is essential.

Alcatel-Lucent crisis management for campus safety ensures that people as well as IoT devices can communicate reliably. In a crisis situation connected objects are crucial. They can alert people about an event before it escalates. For example, if there is an intrusion in a restricted area, or if there is a video system breach, IoT devices and sensors can initiate alarms and communicate with security personnel to provide the information they need to quickly take action.

Disruptive technologies come together

The Alcatel-Lucent Rainbow™ Communications Platform as a Service (CPaaS) eliminates silos to create connected communications. With Rainbow CPaaS ALE coordinates communications between things and people, and improves responsiveness through the use of communication tools such as SMS, chat, calls, video, and alerts. It connects people and artificial intelligence solutions to efficiently handle crisis situations. People can send messages or access bots to help them quickly contact authorities.

In addition, the ALE crisis management solution lets authorities replay and analyze past situations so that they can learn from their experiences. And, with connected Artificial Intelligence (AI) they can use predictive security to help develop new strategies to deal with future events.

Experience makes the difference

ALE is dedicated to helping organizations connect, across a diverse range of environments, with the latest communications solutions to address security needs. We know that threat reduction and emergency management are top of mind for educational institutions when it comes to keeping faculty members and students safe on-campus. However, these challenges are not unique to the education environment. Whether it is in an airport, on a hospital campus, at a resort, or in a municipal environment, industries such as government, healthcare, transportation, and hospitality around the world face similar challenges when confronted with a crisis situation.

Learn more about the ALE crisis management solution and our extensive experience in premises security, networking and infrastructure management, and IoT support, to help make your campus safer.

Jacques Der-Ohanian

Jacques Der Ohanian

Director de soluciones verticales de comunicaciones en ALE

Jacques es director senior, jefe de soluciones verticales de comunicaciones de ALE. Es responsable de crear soluciones digitales para abordar las necesidades de educación, Administración, sanidad y sector hotelero, así como de la creación de contenido para apoyar las ventas. Jacques se graduó en Telecom ParisTech, Francia.

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